It was reported at the school board meeting that the teachers in Dorchester County, Maryland reported 43 assaults on teachers by the students during two months ending in October. This did not include the ones that were downgraded to disruptive behavior. It was also reported that some students also would not drink water during the school day because they were scared to go to the bathroom. Does terror rain in our schools? This makes one ask how many more assaults have taken place in the Dorchester school system the following two months until this report in the Banner. There has been an ongoing problem in the Dorchester school system with the students and their behavior for over two years now. We can read about them in past issues of the paper. When I was in one of the high schools over two years ago, I saw with my own eyes the disrespect and manners of some of the students. The solution by the ones in charge of the school board and the ones in power want more police in the schools, more programs to stop the violence and misbehavior. All this will never stop what is going on in our schools. I have said time and time again the correction must start in the home and not in the schools. The correction of the children must start at home and let the schools educate our kids and in that order. How kids act out in school is for the most part how they act out at home and if they get away with it in the home it is just brought over into the schools. When most of us did wrong in school we had something waiting for us when we got home and it was not what we wanted. If parents of these kids will not teach them right from wrong and hold their kids accountable for their deeds in school then the parents must be held accountable and it will soon stop. Let the parents pay the price through the court systems. This has gone on for a couple or more years now and it is getting worse. If something soon does not take place to put a stop to this then some teacher or student is really going to be seriously hurt or worse. There is no room in our schools for violent behavior or disrespect. Police walking the halls, new programs, and other ideas have been put into place over the past few years and for the most part with no success. That success will come when parents of these unruly kids take charge in their homes and do the right thing. The lack of discipline in the home shows in the schools, on the street, and in other public places. There are kids in the school system who want to learn, are well disciplined, and are wanting to learn but are hampered by these kids that are out of control. There are some parents now who worry about the safety of the kids until they get home from school and there are other parents who could care less. Some parents send their kids to school because they want them to receive a good education and there are other parents who send their kids to school because it is the law. Until the parents stand up in the home and make their kids do right our schools will never be no better. What will it take for people to see this? Parents do your job and make not only our schools a better place but also the community as a whole.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Hate That Will Destroy America
The first American president I can remember since I have been born was Harry Truman. Since then there has been a list of them that have campaigned and were elected to serve the American People. Some never did much while others did a fairly good job. It is never easy making decisions as president of a county like the United States because there will always be those who will disagree and work against the president. But the problem that I see hear with President Trump is not only do people work against him but he is hated. When he was campaigning for the presidency he was hated and after he won he was hated even more. The politicians in Washington did not believe he would be elected. The Democrats and even some Republicans hate Trump because they see him as an outsider. A very big concern for career politicians who want the same old status quo, in other words, the same old existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. These politicians say they believe in the rule of law which is supposed to govern our land but their actions are far from it. They obstruct ICE and law enforcement. They reject our immigration laws and now they are talking about the rule of law during the impeachment hearings as if they abide by it. They do not believe in the rule of law." They come from sanctuary cities that nullify federal law and they support those cities. They need to read and become educated in the Constitution of our great land. They do not believe in the rule of law which is the principle that all people and institutions in the United States are subject and accountable to, also the law of the land, that it is fairly applied and enforced. Most of the politicians go against the law of the land and try to govern by arbitrary decisions made by some of the government officials. They want to govern by their personal whims rather than the rule of law. Most politicians want what fattens their bank account and the prevailing agenda that will keep them in office. The truth of the matter is they want absolute power with no regard for the rule of law that has governed our land for years.
For nearly three years the main focus of the Democrat Party, because of their hate, is to belittle and criminalize Trump or other people that he has nominated for an office under his presidency. It is called hate. The big issues of our country have been bypassed by congress because of their hate for Trump. Trump takes no money from the government for a salary but donates it where it is needed. He does not swim in the Washington cesspool and he caters to nobody except the best interest of the American people. He is hated so much that after this impeachment hearing has been dropped it will be something else. On and on it will go until the end of Trump's second term. Then who or what will be Next. Think hard on that one! There is a great percentage of people now who hate this country. They hate the laws, the Judo Christian beliefs this country is founded on, and basically, they hate everything America stands for. They hate the flag, the president, police officers, the armed forces of this county, Christians, and everything America stands for. Ronald Regan once said this and it is the truth: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." Never in my lifetime have I ever seen this country filled with so much hate.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Why did God let that happen?
Every time there is a shooting in some public place ,whether it be in a shopping center, church, Walmart or our schools, we can always hear somewhere in the crowd or gathering “Why does God let that happen?”
So why does God let that happen? When you have lived a long life, as I have, and have seen the many changes take place in our country, it sure is a no-brainer to understand what happened to God. For decades and then some ,we have been telling God to get out of our schools, our government and our lives. So he has done just that, and now we can see clearly what we have. How can we expect God to give us his blessings and his protection if we tell him to leave us alone?
We did not want prayer or Bible reading in school anymore, and then we listen to a guy named Dr. Spock, who said, “We should not spank our kids because we might damage their self-esteem." We believed him, and now look at what is happening. We have kids that do not know right from wrong, they have no discipline, some have no conscience at all. A conscience that would stop them from killing other kids in school.
Some of you will not get this at all and others may call me a whack job, or a Bible thumper, but I have to tell you like it is: We reap what we sow. We cannot turn our backs on God and then wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. It is so funny how we will believe most newspapers but never God’s word. It is strange how some newspapers will not print an article like this, and when they do print the article, how most people when they see the word “God” they will pass over the article because they want no part of it.
If we want this country to return to its former glory, we must stop the suppression in our schools and public places of God’s word. The trouble is we are worried more about what people think than what God thinks. Before we can make America great again, we need to call on the one who can deliver us out of the deep trouble that we are in.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
America is Spinning Out of Control
In my 73 plus years on this earth, I have seen a lot happened to our country. For decades we have fought communist aggression around the world. Brave men died on the blood-stained battlefields to fight that aggression. Many have come home from the wars with medical or mental problems they will live with the rest of their life, some living on the streets as homeless and others living in veteran homes while illegal aliens cross over the border and are given everything for their needs at taxpayers expense.
Most in Congress are turning their heads because the real truth is they want the illegals here so they can vote. And they are well on their way to getting it. This is all part of the overall picture to make America a communist (socialist) country. The sad thing is they are well on their way to doing just that. Look at the sanctuary cities, for example, These cities have defied federal law and have opened their arms and what money they have left to the illegals while their own homeless sleep on the streets and the problem is so bad porta potties are being brought in. We have illegals killing people only to be sent back to their country for them to come back again some two or three times committing other crimes. And the beat goes on.
Our nation has become so corrupt we no longer know right from wrong. We can kill unborn babies in the mother's womb and call it legal, but to kill certain animals it is against the law. Since the beginning of time, God has created us male and female but now we have a third checkbox, on most forms of identification, for the ones who can not figure out what they are. There are ones that on any given day can think they are of the opposite sex and go into the other gender's bathroom because in this country the law has said it is now okay to do it. I am sorry but what we have here is a twisted mind. It is a sad day when movie stars and football players can command an audience by the words they say or the knee they bend out of disrespect. They are nothing like the actors and sports stars of years ago who stood up and fought for this country.
While our country is going downhill really fast we have a do-nothing Congress that hates the president so much they will do anything and everything to get him out of office. From day one this has been their primary goal instead of the really pressing issues of our country. These congressmen should be allowed to serve only two terms and then they have to go instead of making a career and big sums of money out of being a politician.
We must place part of the blame on the preachers and pastors across this country. Maybe not all of them but most of them. It is now all about the money and the big congregations. Corruption has not only overtaken our country but it has penetrated our churches also. You cannot sing "Oh How I Love Jesus on Sunday" and support a political party that promotes abortion on Monday. You cannot preach Adam and Eve from the pulpit on Sunday and through the week bless Adam and Steve. Our churches, as well as our country, have become corrupt.
Lastly, we have Major newspapers in our country that we depend on for the truth calling a leader of a terrorist organization an austere religious leader when in fact he was a murderer who beheaded people, buried people alive, kidnapped people and made them slaves, and the list goes on. America is spinning out of control.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Communist Goals for America
Albert S. Herlong Jr. who was a Democrat Congressman from the state of Flordia warned of the socialist-communist agenda infiltrating the American school systems. On January 10, 1963, he read into the Congressional Record, the list of Communist goals for America and I agree with every word he has said. He said this over 56 years ago when there was not all the chaos in our country with the things listed here by the congressman. This was a Democrat speaking not a Republican or an independent. But an honest American who spoke the truth and how true is every word he spoke. The Congressman warned of the socialist-communist agenda that was then starting to infiltrate our schools. Please go to the source listed at the end of this article and read it for your self. Here is what he said;
- Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of separation of church and state.
- Control schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and the current Communist propaganda.
- Soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. Control student newspapers.
- Infiltrate churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion (i.e. "social justice, liberation theology")
- Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch"
- Discredit American culture.
- Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and divorce.
- Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
Source (Vol 109, 88th Congress, 1st Session, Appendix, pp. A34-A35)
Since the reading of this in Congress in 1963, our country has done just about 180-degree turn in just about everything that is important to the American people. Our schools are in such bad shape we have to have police officers patrolling the halls, for the most part, to keep kids in line. But the politically correct term is to call them resource officers. We can no longer say anything about Adam and Eve in school but now the new norm is Adam and Steve which is being taught as a normal, natural, and healthy way of life. Some of the children do not know if they are a boy or girl so we have created a number 3 on drivers licenses and birth certificates to help them out. We have liberal professors in our colleges teaching socialism along with their brand of liberalism. We have babies in the womb being murdered and our government upholds the practice while punishing people that kill certain species of wildlife. Where is this country headed to? We have cities called sanctuary cities that defy the federal government and give illegals a place to live and all they need to survive while the homeless and veterans live on the streets in tents. There is so much hate between the elected officials' nothing will ever get done to better this country. This nation is headed down the broad road of destruction with increasing speed.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
A Comment To Far
This is a response to an article by Donald Rae in the Star Democrat.
Donald Rae and his “ammunition kill people” article don't make much sense. Where does he get his logic? I have to disagree with his article. I do not disagree with him personally, because as Americans we have that right to form our own opinions. But his article I certainly do not agree with. Where do people come up with these ideas? The ammunition has to be put in a weapon and the weapon must be operated by a person for it to go off and kill or wound somebody. You can put a rifle on a porch with ammunition in it and the mailman can deliver mail, The garbage man can pick up the mail, the paperboy can bring you the newspaper, and the neighbor can come over, but the bullet remains in the gun, the gun remains on the porch and there it will sit until it is unloaded and carried in the house or until someone picks it up and uses it. I do not advocate leaving a loaded gun on the porch but only as an example to the reader. A lawnmower will not cut the grass by its self, most cars will not go down the road by their self, a bow with an arrow is no good if there is no one pulling the string on the bow back and releasing it. A knife will not cut someone unless it is in the hands of someone. The point is a person must put a bullet in the firearm and aim it and pull the trigger before it will go off. We must put the effort of this great issue into perspective. It is the person behind the gun and the ammunition in the gun that is the problem. We have two types of people behind those guns and ammunition. We have an honest citizen who uses his firearm for sports, hunting, and home defense as well for the defense of our country if need be. All the ammunition in my 60 years of hunting that I have put into a gun has never gone off unless I pulled the trigger. Then there are the people who have evil in their hearts for their fellow man. The government can take all the guns, ammunition, close all the gun and ammunition factories down but there is still that person who has in their heart to kill, murder, maim, and hurt their fellow man. As I have said before in other articles, "Evil does not obey laws."
Donald Rae and his “ammunition kill people” article don't make much sense. Where does he get his logic? I have to disagree with his article. I do not disagree with him personally, because as Americans we have that right to form our own opinions. But his article I certainly do not agree with. Where do people come up with these ideas? The ammunition has to be put in a weapon and the weapon must be operated by a person for it to go off and kill or wound somebody. You can put a rifle on a porch with ammunition in it and the mailman can deliver mail, The garbage man can pick up the mail, the paperboy can bring you the newspaper, and the neighbor can come over, but the bullet remains in the gun, the gun remains on the porch and there it will sit until it is unloaded and carried in the house or until someone picks it up and uses it. I do not advocate leaving a loaded gun on the porch but only as an example to the reader. A lawnmower will not cut the grass by its self, most cars will not go down the road by their self, a bow with an arrow is no good if there is no one pulling the string on the bow back and releasing it. A knife will not cut someone unless it is in the hands of someone. The point is a person must put a bullet in the firearm and aim it and pull the trigger before it will go off. We must put the effort of this great issue into perspective. It is the person behind the gun and the ammunition in the gun that is the problem. We have two types of people behind those guns and ammunition. We have an honest citizen who uses his firearm for sports, hunting, and home defense as well for the defense of our country if need be. All the ammunition in my 60 years of hunting that I have put into a gun has never gone off unless I pulled the trigger. Then there are the people who have evil in their hearts for their fellow man. The government can take all the guns, ammunition, close all the gun and ammunition factories down but there is still that person who has in their heart to kill, murder, maim, and hurt their fellow man. As I have said before in other articles, "Evil does not obey laws."
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Racist and Deplorable
According to the liberal Democrats, that’s who I am, in accordance with the left and how they define a racist who they say are deplorable. I always thought that racist were people who did not like you because of the color of your skin, your religious beliefs and because a person did not march to the beat of their drum. None of the listed are anything I support or believe in. But I am still called a racist. So here’s the list of why I am called a racist: (1). I support the president. (2). One does not decide to just move into someone else’s property (be it a country or a home) just because you want to. There are procedures. What is wrong with doing things the right way? (3.) Critical of Obama; now I support Trump. Oh, by the way, to set the record straight, I have issues with Donald Trump also. But he is my president and I will support him. These are just a few examples and illustrations to explain my racist label. I am a conservative; therefore, I am an enemy to be shut down, harassed, bullied, reputation ruined, etc., because I dare to have a different view on the issues. Conservatives I know do not go to protest at private homes with families inside or do they hares harass officials and families in restaurants nor celebrate the death of a decent man, for example, Tony Snow. When you think about it I should worry that there is a certain segment of people in this country that would not be against imprisoning opponents who do not believe like they do or even worse. When you are willing to destroy for the sake of power, there is something terribly wrong.
From letters to the editor in the Star Democrat.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
The Squad
The old Democrat Party was far too conservative for today's Democratic Party. I read in a local newspaper that "The Squad" brings an energetic style & vitality to the Democratic Party. How wrong the writer of the article was. That goes to show you that you cannot believe everything you read in a newspaper or hear reported to you over the TV. Vitality is the state of being strong & active; in other words, changes that will bring renewed vitality to the party. Here is what "The Squad" advocates and wants brings to the Democrat party: Open borders, doing away with ICE, anti-Semitism, anti Israel, who is this country's staunch ally, abolishing private health insurance, vastly increasing taxes, eliminating college tuition, doing away with capitalism — a free ride for everyone.
They incredulously compare the situation at the southern border to concentration camps, which is not only totally disrespectful to Jews in America and throughout the world but is patently obnoxious and absurd. "The Squad" always neglects to look at the facts, as they are too busy grandstanding. Pursuant to a request by Congress last year, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that illegal aliens in the United States generate more in costs than services to federal, state and local governments combined, in the billions. It's also documented that in 2018, approximately 30% of those charged with serious crimes in custody were illegal aliens. Now let the squad explain this.
The Squad brings the Democratic Party anything but vitality. They bring disruptiveness, divisiveness, and a total lack of accountability to everything they say. Will this be the new Democrat Party in the future or better yet will this be the new America? If the squad has their way there will be no more land of the free.
The United States will never create enough laws to control the evil of killing another human being because evil and evil people do not now and will never obey laws or any rules imposed upon them by the government. What makes anyone think evil people will obey government laws when they will not obey God's law- Thou shall not murder. We will always have mass killings, murders, and the breaking of the law because we live in an evil world. All the laws on the books or laws that will be on the books will not stop evil. When a person has his mindset on an evil purpose he will carry out that evil purpose one way or the other with whatever is at hand to do his or her evil deed. We are already hearing from the liberals and the far left after this latest mass shooting in Texas wanting more gun control laws and for what? The only thing more gun laws will do is hamper the honest decent man, who by the way, respects and abides by the gun control laws. We already have more gun control laws on the books in this country that do absolutely nothing, but yet we want more laws or better yet to take away the guns of everybody, including honest law-abiding citizens. When all the guns are gone and we become a people who depend totally 100% on the government we will then be servants of the government instead of the government being a servant of the people. Some people will not get that. After the firearms are all gone or confiscated by the government what will be the next on the list for the future mass murder to use to commit his evil act? Without naming several I will let the reader think for himself. Do not let the government and some anti-gun groups make you think or believe it is the gun that is the cause of our problems. It is evil in the hearts of degenerate people that cause the problems. People who could care less about any law or what is morally right.
This country's policymakers, journalists, and the general public look to psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and related disciplines as sources of certainty in the face of the often-incomprehensible terror and loss that mass shootings inevitably produce. This is especially the case in the current political moment when relationships between shootings and mental illness often appear to be the only points upon which otherwise divergent voices in the contentious national gun debate agree. Our country and even the world is going down a broad road to destruction. After all the gun laws, the psychology, and many other programs that have been tried and have failed we need to turn to the ONE who will heal this land and put us back on the right course. The bottom law is this: When we obey God's laws the evils of this country will go away.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Baltimore is No longer Charm City
In my opinion, Baltimore is no longer the "Charm City" as some Democrats would have you believe. Just ride through the city and you will soon see Baltimore is, as President Trump said “a very dangerous & filthy place.” Among the largest 30 American cities, Baltimore has the highest crime rate and is a close second to Detroit for the highest rate of violent crime. But for murders, Baltimore is second to no other city, with more than 50 homicides per 100,000 people. That puts Charm City in the ranks of Jamaica, Venezuela, and El Salvador in terms of lethality.
“You would think that you were in a Third World country,” said Bernie Sanders when on a tour of Representative Cummings’s district in 2015. “There are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable.” They are not lived in or used. Was it Ted Cruz or Jeff Sessions who sneered, “residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have life spans shorter than people living under a dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace”? No, it was no Republician who said that but a Democratic candidate for president Bernie Sanders, whose comments about Baltimore were not condemned as sickeningly racist, but contemplated as brave reflections on the failure of America to help its struggling communities. So there is the other side of the picture. The one you never hear about because the one who said it was a Democrat.
David Simon, who has grown really really rich from depicting the misery of Baltimore through TV shows like “Homicide” and “The Wire,” condemned Trump’s comments, saying, “If this empty-suit, race-hating fraud had to actually visit West Baltimore for five minutes and meet any of the American citizens who endure there, he’d wet himself.” But doesn’t that mean Trump was right? Sure it does. How do you deal with people like this guy? I sure he fell off a turnip truck.The Democrats and the liberal news have said that it’s unfair for President Trump to blame Elijah Cummings for his district’s miseries, since congressmen don’t control local issues
like trash pickup or law enforcement. But when you look into Cummings' career you will soon see as I did that he is a Democratic power broker in Baltimore, which,by the way, has been run by a succession of failed Democrat mayors—one of whom stole gift cards meant for poor children and another who “sold” thousands of copies of her unreadable book to the public hospital system. Local state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby is credited with bungling the investigation into the death of Freddie Gray. You never hear the real stories behind those things. Cummings is an integral part of a corrupt, dysfunctional political machine that is directly responsible for Baltimore’s misery. Sad to say, but it is the truth. Even though there is an outcry by the Democrats against Trump he is right in what he is saying. Thank God there is a man that will stand in the gap and speak the truth.
It doesn’t have to be the way it is. Cummings’s district has, for the most part, high rates of college education and home values, and many solid employers, like Johns Hopkins. The failure to develop and upgrade the failed parts of the district lies with people like Elijah Cummings, whose four decades in elected office have been a long story of wasted opportunities and neglect. After forty years of Cummings leadership, things are worse and not better for sure, but you will never hear that from the liberal news media.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Squad
The old Democrat Party was far too conservative for today's Democrats. I read in a local newspaper that "The Squad" brings an energetic style & vitality to the Democratic Party. How wrong the writer of the article was. That goes to show you that you cannot believe everything you read in a newspaper or hear reported to you over the TV. Vitality is the state of being strong & active; in other words, changes that will bring renewed vitality to the party. Here is what "The Squad" advocates and wants brings to the Democrat party: Open borders, doing away with ICE, anti-Semitism, anti Israel, who is this country's staunch ally, abolishing private health insurance, vastly increasing taxes, eliminating college tuition, doing away with capitalism — a free ride for everyone.
They incredulously compare the situation at the southern border to concentration camps, which is not only totally disrespectful to Jews in America and throughout the world but is patently obnoxious and absurd. "The Squad" always neglects to look at the facts, as they are too busy grandstanding. Pursuant to a request by Congress last year, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that illegal aliens in the United States generate more in costs than services to federal, state and local governments combined, in the billions. It's also documented that in 2018, approximately 30% of those charged with serious crimes in custody were illegal aliens. Now let the squad explain this.
The Squad brings the Democratic Party anything but vitality. They bring disruptiveness, divisiveness, and a total lack of accountability to everything they say. Will this be the new Democrat Party in the future or better yet will this be the new America? If the squad has their way there will be no more land of the free.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Don't like the United States? You're free to leave
First, I would like to address the issue of many people, including some of the so-called “representatives,” who call our government a democracy, it is not. Our form of government is a republic. Now, on to this paper. It appears, from all the letters and the editorials that have been running in that space that there is a tremendous amount of hate from the left. They lost an election to a businessman, our president, Donald Trump. They have shown total disrespect for the office and the man. They dislike the Constitution and the laws of the land because it doesn’t suit them and for this reason, they should be asked to leave and go back to wherever they came from. Most of the so-called representatives don’t really represent the citizens of this great nation. They are in it for power and the next election. Millions of men and women have fought and died for our way of life and many on the left are out to change that to a socialist form of government. Since this is a free country, all those who don’t like it have the opportunity to leave any time. The media has pounded the drum of hate and racism for so long against the Republicans and conservatives that much of the young and uninformed believe their rhetoric and it started with President Obama who said, “This is not a Christian nation and it is not a good country.” Remember that this is the same man who called his own grandmother “a typical white person,” told the Republicans that “they can sit in the back of the bus,” called an NYC police officer stupid and disrespected John McCain when he said, “Get over it, I won.” Where were all these lefties during this time? They kept their mouths shut even though these comments were racist and bigoted. Has this country gone so far off the course that our founding fathers set that there seems to be no way back or is there still hope for America? Much of our history is being rewritten to appease a certain few and the statues that honor our fallen heroes and remind us of our past, good or bad, are being removed because of a few who get the most attention from the left-wing media. Our children will grow up not knowing anything about our past and how this nation came to be if this kind of rhetoric continues. Anyone born in America is an American, not Iranian, not African, not Asian, not Hispanic. Oh, they may have the bloodline, true, however, they are still American first and should learn our language, our history, our laws, our Constitution and why we are the greatest nation on earth today because someone shed their blood that we can be free.
John Gondeck writes from Denton.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
To fix problems in schools, start at home
As I read the local newspapers about all the proposed ideas and promises for correcting the behavior problem in the school system not one of them, in my opinion, made any sense. The school system can make new rules, institute new programs, add more police to patrol the halls and do whatever they think is best like they always do, but they always miss the mark when it comes to making students behave in school. I am not saying they don't do their best but most people if they would speak out on the subject, would tell you the correction and the discipline must start in the home. The school system can make all the new programs they want but it will do little or nothing to change the behavior of some students.
This is because the very root of the problem is in the home and how children are raised. I do not have any college degrees behind my name so what I say will not matter that much, but I speak the truth. When kids are not made to mind in the home how are they going to be made to mind in the school? At one time the unruly student received his just reward from the principal and when that student got home they received it again. This does not happen anymore because the parent (I say parent because in most cases the home only has one parent.) never knows where their kids are or what they are doing. The parents will defend their kids most of the time leaving the teacher as the bad guy. This ought not to be. If children are not corrected and disciplined in the home how can they be corrected in the schools?
Some people in the federal government have said for years that it takes a village to raise your kids. So the village has raised our kids for years now and look at what we have. We have unruly kids using the schools for a social club or a hangout. I had the privilege of being in a Dorchester County school some time ago and I was so shocked at how some of the students were acting, the language they used, and their conduct. What you see out of the students in school is for the most part what you will see in their homes. Schools are not a social club for kids to meet every day. It is a place of learning, education, and to get them ready for a world that gets tougher every day.
I will always believe it is the family unit that will make or break this country and the same with the school system. Students must have a good foundation and fertile soil for them to be grounded in to excel or even want to learn in school. This means spiritual guidance, parent discipline, family functions, and even time together as a family whenever possible, getting involved with your child's homework and school functions. To correct the problems in our schools we must start in the home.
Friday, March 22, 2019
I cannot Understand
I cannot comprehend or understand — why some of our elected officials in Washington, D.C. (on both sides of the aisle) cannot foresee the many serious problems those caravans nearing our southern border will cause. They do not get it, or do they? Especially, for those (legal) citizens residing in these areas. We are talking about tax paying citizens living close to the border. Have you ever seen the pictures of the illegals aftermath when they leave an area. It looks like a garbage dump. Just go to the internet and check it out. Also check out all the murders, robberies, assault, and the such committed by the illegals which you will never see on the mainstream news media. It will blow your mind.
What a difficult, and possibly dangerous confrontation could take place when the illegal immigrants come Face-to-Face with military troops, and law enforcement officers. What will happen. Many may suffer some degree of injuries, and possibly some fatalities. No side will have victory, and it will only be another DARK DAY in our American history. All this for some illegal votes that will put the Democrats over the top in the upcoming election. That is a sad fact, but the truth. It is the vote not the security of this country that the Democrats are after. What the Democrats want is not in the best interest of this country. In fact they are no longer Democrats, they are socialist, progressives,(new name for communist) who want to destroy the very fiber of our society. It is such a sad day for all of America.
Some learned mathematicians (A lot smarter than I am) have calculated — if you divide the number of persons (young and older) living in our country into the $5.7 billion requested to construct a 165 mile WALL, it comes to about $16 per person. Such a small amount to insure a safe border with no drugs, no illegal criminals, no terrorist, no diseases, and people who do not want to work but feed themselves on our dime. Once the wall is built the honest immigrants will be able to come and be cleared so they can come to this country the right and legal way.
Mister and Miss Elected Officials, isn’t this one time investment of $16 to protect each (and future) constituents’ families, their homes and properties, plus our way of life worth the cost? Or is it more important to you to have the illegal votes or the cheap labor. There is a right way and a wrong way of immigrating to this country. The Democrats are looking at the wrong way
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Recently I have been reading articles in several newspapers and watching on TV articles about police. Things never change. I was a police officer for many years serving in the Towns of St. Michaels, Hurlock, And Federalsburg. Of course, this was over forty years ago. All I ever read in the paper or hear anymore are complaints about the police departments all over this country. Some of those complaints are valid and should be acted on. I will never know how a man can be on the ground and be kicked in the face by a police officer and still has a job as a police officer in another town. Police officers just don't do those things. He would have never been a police officer in my department when I was Police Chief in St. Michaels. I do not know maybe the policing has changed over the years, and I'm sure it has, but what has not changed is how a police officer must conduct himself in all types of situations.and kicking a man in the face when he is down on the ground is not one of the changes that I'm talking about. How is that being a servant of the people?
However, being a police officer is, for the most part, a thankless job and very seldom do you hear the good things that the police do. Most police officers are very good people and will always go the extra mile. for the people they serve. Take time to have that coffee with a cop or be involved with programs such as the St. Michaels Police Department have. They are on the street and in cars patrolling night and day in all kinds of weather or on holidays some must work to keep us safe while we enjoy the comforts of home. When a police officer puts on that uniform and the badge of authority he is a target for some of the people that he swears to protect. Can you imagine what it would be like with no police?
During my time as a police officer, I was so proud to know good men in the Police Departments where I worked and also The Maryland State Police, The Sheriff's Offices in the tri-county area, and the Easton Police Department. Not once during my days as a police officer did I ever hear of a person being arrested by a police officer in the tri-county using more force than necessary. In closing this Letter please remember sometimes a police officer has to make a split second decision that could result in injury to the bad guy or himself. All the training in the world cannot prepare for that.I hold in high regard anyone who puts on a uniform of law enforcement and goes in harm's way. They are the real Blue Bloods no matter what the color of their uniform.
Monday, January 28, 2019
America’s Sad State of Affairs

We have allowed the very people who want to destroy this country To move here by leaps and bounds while supporting them with our tax dollars and even elect three of them to Congress where they have access to classified documents. Our enemies are here and in the gate. No wall is needed here because they are already here and demanding their form of government. I will never understand how people can leave their country because of persecution while waving the flags of their country as they come. We must learn their language because they do not want to or do they have to learn ours. We must accept their God. The very things that we have seen in the middle east are coming here and for the most part are already here.
We have a problem on our southern borders that needs to go away. I for one am not against legal immigration. I want people to come to this country and learn our ways, speak our language and be proud Americans. This is how our country was founded. It was not founded by people sneaking over the borders, illegally and demanding everything for free which is, for the most part, what is happening. No matter what some people say, not all the people crossing our borders are legit. Some of these people bring with them a way of life that is not acceptable and should not be tolerated, such as drugs, bad criminal records, let alone the lawlessness that they unleash when they come here. There are many cases in our court system which can back that up. This country cannot sustain the people crossing our borders or the burden it will cause on the citizens in this country. We need the wall.
The Pope, most Tv actors and members of Congress, who are against the wall have walls around their residence to keep people out. Check it out. For them the walls are good but for you and me (The American People), the walls are not needed. The people in Congress that are against the wall are doing it because all these people will vote for them and their socialist (communist agenda) or else they are against it because it is a Trump Promise and they hate Trump. I do not like everything Trump says or does but he is right on this one. We must build the wall or we will have no country as we know it left for our kids and grandkids.
We have people who have come across our borders illegally (not citizens of this country) and are allowed to vote, get a drivers license, tax refunds (Never figured that one out), food stamps, money for housing, and everything else, and it is all for the vote or the cheap labour. This country can not sustain this type of actions from the illegals or the government that allows it.
Evil has overtaken this country and it is growing by leaps and bounds. We have murdered millions of babies in the wombs of their mother over the past decades but now we are murdering them in the mother’s womb up until the day they are born. How evil this is. We have laws to protect dangered species of animals, but it is okay to kill a baby in the womb. The government is saying the baby is not alive or a person until they are born and breath. All through the Bible God tells us otherwise. If this is the case, as the government says, why is Plan Parenthood harvesting body parts and selling them? What is next? Will the government want to call the old folks and special needs people a burden and get rid of them? Do not laugh because if this country last it will happen. There is a darkness coming over this land.
We have the evil of homosexuals, lesbianism, transgenders, and the like being promoted in our land when we know it is wrong. Our kids are being taught in school that it is just another lifestyle. (Our schools are not what they use to be). Most schools and higher places of learning have a liberal agenda.) The Holy Scriptures tell us that. And if you do not want to read them just common sense will tell you none of this is right. God created Male and female, (Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve) I guess soon we will be told that round pegs will fit into square holes.
We have an evil that has come over this land and we need not look at the politicians to solve the problem because they are part of the problem. They need to go. We must clean the swamp. But the real problem is we have, for the most part, are spineless preachers who will not stand up in the pulpit and preach what saith the Lord. They are more worried about money and the numbers of their congregations. When we have a preacher of a church with 40,000 members that will not say homosexuality is a sin on national TV the church is in trouble big time.
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