Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Racist and Deplorable

According to the liberal Democrats, that’s who I am, in accordance with the left and how they define a racist who they say are deplorable. I always thought that racist were people who did not like you because of the color of your skin, your religious beliefs and because a person did not march to the beat of their drum. None of the listed are anything I support or believe in. But I am still called a racist.  So here’s the list of why I am called a racist: (1). I support the president. (2). One does not decide to just move into someone else’s property (be it a country or a home) just because you want to. There are procedures. What is wrong with doing things the right way? (3.) Critical of Obama; now I support Trump. Oh, by the way, to set the record straight, I have issues with Donald Trump also. But he is my president and I will support him. These are just a few examples and illustrations to explain my racist label. I am a conservative; therefore, I am an enemy to be shut down, harassed, bullied, reputation ruined, etc., because I dare to have a different view on the issues. Conservatives I know do not go to protest at private homes with families inside or do they hares harass officials and families in restaurants nor celebrate the death of a decent man, for example, Tony Snow. When you think about it I should worry that there is a certain segment of people in this country that would not be against imprisoning opponents who do not believe like they do or even worse. When you are willing to destroy for the sake of power, there is something terribly wrong.

From letters to the editor in the Star Democrat. 

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