Monday, December 2, 2019

Why did God let that happen?

Every time there is a shooting in some public place ,whether it be in a shopping center, church, Walmart or our schools, we can always hear somewhere in the crowd or gathering “Why does God let that happen?”
So why does God let that happen? When you have lived a long life, as I have, and have seen the many changes take place in our country, it sure is a no-brainer to understand what happened to God. For decades and then some ,we have been telling God to get out of our schools, our government and our lives. So he has done just that, and now we can see clearly what we have. How can we expect God to give us his blessings and his protection if we tell him to leave us alone?
We did not want prayer or Bible reading in school anymore, and then we listen to a guy named Dr. Spock, who said, “We should not spank our kids because we might damage their self-esteem." We believed him, and now look at what is happening. We have kids that do not know right from wrong, they have no discipline, some have no conscience at all. A conscience that would stop them from killing other kids in school.
Some of you will not get this at all and others may call me a whack job, or a Bible thumper, but I have to tell you like it is: We reap what we sow. We cannot turn our backs on God and then wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. It is so funny how we will believe most newspapers but never God’s word. It is strange how some newspapers will not print an article like this, and when they do print the article, how most people when they see the word “God” they will pass over the article because they want no part of it.
If we want this country to return to its former glory, we must stop the suppression in our schools and public places of God’s word. The trouble is we are worried more about what people think than what God thinks. Before we can make America great again, we need to call on the one who can deliver us out of the deep trouble that we are in.

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