Sunday, July 21, 2019

Don't like the United States? You're free to leave

First, I would like to address the issue of many people, including some of the so-called “representatives,” who call our government a democracy, it is not. Our form of government is a republic. Now, on to this paper. It appears, from all the letters and the editorials that have been running in that space that there is a tremendous amount of hate from the left. They lost an election to a businessman, our president, Donald Trump. They have shown total disrespect for the office and the man. They dislike the Constitution and the laws of the land because it doesn’t suit them and for this reason, they should be asked to leave and go back to wherever they came from. Most of the so-called representatives don’t really represent the citizens of this great nation. They are in it for power and the next election. Millions of men and women have fought and died for our way of life and many on the left are out to change that to a socialist form of government. Since this is a free country, all those who don’t like it have the opportunity to leave any time. The media has pounded the drum of hate and racism for so long against the Republicans and conservatives that much of the young and uninformed believe their rhetoric and it started with President Obama who said, “This is not a Christian nation and it is not a good country.” Remember that this is the same man who called his own grandmother “a typical white person,” told the Republicans that “they can sit in the back of the bus,” called an NYC police officer stupid and disrespected John McCain when he said, “Get over it, I won.” Where were all these lefties during this time? They kept their mouths shut even though these comments were racist and bigoted. Has this country gone so far off the course that our founding fathers set that there seems to be no way back or is there still hope for America? Much of our history is being rewritten to appease a certain few and the statues that honor our fallen heroes and remind us of our past, good or bad, are being removed because of a few who get the most attention from the left-wing media. Our children will grow up not knowing anything about our past and how this nation came to be if this kind of rhetoric continues. Anyone born in America is an American, not Iranian, not African, not Asian, not Hispanic. Oh, they may have the bloodline, true, however, they are still American first and should learn our language, our history, our laws, our Constitution and why we are the greatest nation on earth today because someone shed their blood that we can be free.
John Gondeck writes from Denton.

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