Wednesday, December 18, 2019


It was reported at the school board meeting that the teachers in Dorchester County, Maryland reported 43 assaults on teachers by the students during two months ending in October. This did not include the ones that were downgraded to disruptive behavior. It was also reported that some students also would not drink water during the school day because they were scared to go to the bathroom. Does terror rain in our schools? This makes one ask how many more assaults have taken place in the Dorchester school system the following two months until this report in the Banner. There has been an ongoing problem in the Dorchester school system with the students and their behavior for over two years now. We can read about them in past issues of the paper. When I was in one of the high schools over two years ago, I saw with my own eyes the disrespect and manners of some of the students. The solution by the ones in charge of the school board and the ones in power want more police in the schools, more programs to stop the violence and misbehavior. All this will never stop what is going on in our schools. I have said time and time again the correction must start in the home and not in the schools. The correction of the children must start at home and let the schools educate our kids and in that order.  How kids act out in school is for the most part how they act out at home and if they get away with it in the home it is just brought over into the schools. When most of us did wrong in school we had something waiting for us when we got home and it was not what we wanted. If parents of these kids will not teach them right from wrong and hold their kids accountable for their deeds in school then the parents must be held accountable and it will soon stop. Let the parents pay the price through the court systems. This has gone on for a couple or more years now and it is getting worse. If something soon does not take place to put a stop to this then some teacher or student is really going to be seriously hurt or worse. There is no room in our schools for violent behavior or disrespect. Police walking the halls, new programs, and other ideas have been put into place over the past few years and for the most part with no success. That success will come when parents of these unruly kids take charge in their homes and do the right thing. The lack of discipline in the home shows in the schools, on the street, and in other public places. There are kids in the school system who want to learn, are well disciplined, and are wanting to learn but are hampered by these kids that are out of control. There are some parents now who worry about the safety of the kids until they get home from school and there are other parents who could care less. Some parents send their kids to school because they want them to receive a good education and there are other parents who send their kids to school because it is the law. Until the parents stand up in the home and make their kids do right our schools will never be no better. What will it take for people to see this? Parents do your job and make not only our schools a better place but also the community as a whole. 

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