Friday, March 22, 2019

I cannot Understand

I cannot comprehend or understand — why some of our elected officials in Washington, D.C. (on both sides of the aisle) cannot foresee the many serious problems those caravans nearing our southern border will cause. They do not get it, or do they? Especially, for those (legal) citizens residing in these areas. We are talking about tax paying citizens living close to the border. Have you ever seen the pictures of the illegals aftermath when they leave an area. It looks like a garbage dump. Just go to the internet and check it out. Also check out all the murders, robberies, assault, and the such committed by the illegals which you will never see on the mainstream news media. It will blow your mind.
What a difficult, and possibly dangerous confrontation could take place when the illegal immigrants come Face-to-Face with military troops, and law enforcement officers. What will happen. Many may suffer some degree of injuries, and possibly some fatalities. No side will have victory, and it will only be another DARK DAY in our American history. All this for some illegal votes that will put the Democrats over the top in the upcoming election. That is a sad fact, but the truth. It is the vote not the security of this country that the Democrats are after. What the Democrats want is not in the best interest of this country. In fact they are no longer Democrats, they are socialist, progressives,(new name for communist) who want to destroy the very fiber of our society. It is such a sad day for all of America.
Some learned mathematicians (A lot smarter than I am) have calculated — if you divide the number of persons (young and older) living in our country into the $5.7 billion requested to construct a 165 mile WALL, it comes to about $16 per person. Such a small amount to insure a safe border with no drugs, no illegal criminals, no terrorist, no diseases, and people who do not want to work but feed themselves on our dime. Once the wall is built the honest immigrants will be able to come and be cleared so they can come to this country the right and legal way.
Mister and Miss Elected Officials, isn’t this one time investment of $16 to protect each (and future) constituents’ families, their homes and properties, plus our way of life worth the cost? Or is it more important to you to have the illegal votes or the cheap labor. There is a right way and a wrong way of immigrating to this country. The Democrats are looking at the wrong way

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