Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The United States will never create enough laws to control the evil of killing another human being because evil and evil people do not now and will never obey laws or any rules imposed upon them by the government. What makes anyone think evil people will obey government laws when they will not obey God's law- Thou shall not murder. We will always have mass killings, murders, and the breaking of the law because we live in an evil world.  All the laws on the books or laws that will be on the books will not stop evil. When a person has his mindset on an evil purpose he will carry out that evil purpose one way or the other with whatever is at hand to do his or her evil deed. We are already hearing from the liberals and the far left after this latest mass shooting in Texas wanting more gun control laws and for what? The only thing more gun laws will do is hamper the honest decent man, who by the way, respects and abides by the gun control laws. We already have more gun control laws on the books in this country that do absolutely nothing, but yet we want more laws or better yet to take away the guns of everybody, including honest law-abiding citizens. When all the guns are gone and we become a people who depend totally 100% on the government we will then be servants of the government instead of the government being a servant of the people. Some people will not get that. After the firearms are all gone or confiscated by the government what will be the next on the list for the future mass murder to use to commit his evil act? Without naming several I will let the reader think for himself. Do not let the government and some anti-gun groups make you think or believe it is the gun that is the cause of our problems. It is evil in the hearts of degenerate people that cause the problems. People who could care less about any law or what is morally right.
 This country's policymakers, journalists, and the general public look to psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and related disciplines as sources of certainty in the face of the often-incomprehensible terror and loss that mass shootings inevitably produce. This is especially the case in the current political moment when relationships between shootings and mental illness often appear to be the only points upon which otherwise divergent voices in the contentious national gun debate agree. Our country and even the world is going down a broad road to destruction. After all the gun laws, the psychology, and many other programs that have been tried and have failed we need to turn to the ONE who will heal this land and put us back on the right course. The bottom law is this: When we obey God's laws the evils of this country will go away. 

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