Wednesday, December 18, 2019


It was reported at the school board meeting that the teachers in Dorchester County, Maryland reported 43 assaults on teachers by the students during two months ending in October. This did not include the ones that were downgraded to disruptive behavior. It was also reported that some students also would not drink water during the school day because they were scared to go to the bathroom. Does terror rain in our schools? This makes one ask how many more assaults have taken place in the Dorchester school system the following two months until this report in the Banner. There has been an ongoing problem in the Dorchester school system with the students and their behavior for over two years now. We can read about them in past issues of the paper. When I was in one of the high schools over two years ago, I saw with my own eyes the disrespect and manners of some of the students. The solution by the ones in charge of the school board and the ones in power want more police in the schools, more programs to stop the violence and misbehavior. All this will never stop what is going on in our schools. I have said time and time again the correction must start in the home and not in the schools. The correction of the children must start at home and let the schools educate our kids and in that order.  How kids act out in school is for the most part how they act out at home and if they get away with it in the home it is just brought over into the schools. When most of us did wrong in school we had something waiting for us when we got home and it was not what we wanted. If parents of these kids will not teach them right from wrong and hold their kids accountable for their deeds in school then the parents must be held accountable and it will soon stop. Let the parents pay the price through the court systems. This has gone on for a couple or more years now and it is getting worse. If something soon does not take place to put a stop to this then some teacher or student is really going to be seriously hurt or worse. There is no room in our schools for violent behavior or disrespect. Police walking the halls, new programs, and other ideas have been put into place over the past few years and for the most part with no success. That success will come when parents of these unruly kids take charge in their homes and do the right thing. The lack of discipline in the home shows in the schools, on the street, and in other public places. There are kids in the school system who want to learn, are well disciplined, and are wanting to learn but are hampered by these kids that are out of control. There are some parents now who worry about the safety of the kids until they get home from school and there are other parents who could care less. Some parents send their kids to school because they want them to receive a good education and there are other parents who send their kids to school because it is the law. Until the parents stand up in the home and make their kids do right our schools will never be no better. What will it take for people to see this? Parents do your job and make not only our schools a better place but also the community as a whole. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Hate That Will Destroy America

The first American president I can remember since I have been born was Harry Truman. Since then there has been a list of them that have campaigned and were elected to serve the American People. Some never did much while others did a fairly good job. It is never easy making decisions as president of a county like the United States because there will always be those who will disagree and work against the president. But the problem that I see hear with President Trump is not only do people work against him but he is hated. When he was campaigning for the presidency he was hated and after he won he was hated even more. The politicians in Washington did not believe he would be elected. The Democrats and even some Republicans hate Trump because they see him as an outsider. A very big concern for career politicians who want the same old status quo, in other words, the same old existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. These politicians say they believe in the rule of law which is supposed to govern our land but their actions are far from it. They obstruct ICE and law enforcement. They reject our immigration laws and now they are talking about the rule of law during the impeachment hearings as if they abide by it. They do not believe in the rule of law." They come from sanctuary cities that nullify federal law and they support those cities. They need to read and become educated in the Constitution of our great land. They do not believe in the rule of law which is the principle that all people and institutions in the United States are subject and accountable to, also the law of the land, that it is fairly applied and enforced. Most of the politicians go against the law of the land and try to govern by arbitrary decisions made by some of the government officials. They want to govern by their personal whims rather than the rule of law. Most politicians want what fattens their bank account and the prevailing agenda that will keep them in office. The truth of the matter is they want absolute power with no regard for the rule of law that has governed our land for years. 

For nearly three years the main focus of the Democrat Party, because of their hate, is to belittle and criminalize Trump or other people that he has nominated for an office under his presidency. It is called hate. The big issues of our country have been bypassed by congress because of their hate for Trump. Trump takes no money from the government for a salary but donates it where it is needed. He does not swim in the Washington cesspool and he caters to nobody except the best interest of the American people. He is hated so much that after this impeachment hearing has been dropped it will be something else. On and on it will go until the end of Trump's second term. Then who or what will be Next. Think hard on that one! There is a great percentage of people now who hate this country.  They hate the laws, the Judo Christian beliefs this country is founded on, and basically, they hate everything America stands for. They hate the flag, the president, police officers, the armed forces of this county, Christians, and everything America stands for. Ronald Regan once said this and it is the truth: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." Never in my lifetime have I ever seen this country filled with so much hate.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why did God let that happen?

Every time there is a shooting in some public place ,whether it be in a shopping center, church, Walmart or our schools, we can always hear somewhere in the crowd or gathering “Why does God let that happen?”
So why does God let that happen? When you have lived a long life, as I have, and have seen the many changes take place in our country, it sure is a no-brainer to understand what happened to God. For decades and then some ,we have been telling God to get out of our schools, our government and our lives. So he has done just that, and now we can see clearly what we have. How can we expect God to give us his blessings and his protection if we tell him to leave us alone?
We did not want prayer or Bible reading in school anymore, and then we listen to a guy named Dr. Spock, who said, “We should not spank our kids because we might damage their self-esteem." We believed him, and now look at what is happening. We have kids that do not know right from wrong, they have no discipline, some have no conscience at all. A conscience that would stop them from killing other kids in school.
Some of you will not get this at all and others may call me a whack job, or a Bible thumper, but I have to tell you like it is: We reap what we sow. We cannot turn our backs on God and then wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. It is so funny how we will believe most newspapers but never God’s word. It is strange how some newspapers will not print an article like this, and when they do print the article, how most people when they see the word “God” they will pass over the article because they want no part of it.
If we want this country to return to its former glory, we must stop the suppression in our schools and public places of God’s word. The trouble is we are worried more about what people think than what God thinks. Before we can make America great again, we need to call on the one who can deliver us out of the deep trouble that we are in.

We don't need a society of vandals

When demonstrations triggered by the death of George Floyd spread to Philadelphia, vandals defaced a statue outside City Hall of an old whit...