Sunday, June 14, 2020

You Learn More By What the News Does Not Say

Every bit of this article speaks the truth and is documented facts. I am surprised The Star Democrat Newspaper published this. Read it for your self and see for your self, it is the truth. Thank You Rick Kollinger For this article.
Social worker
2020 is certainly turning out to be an extremely odd year. Just when you think the Democrats have run out of impeachment ploys, and the economy is booming, and black unemployment is at record lows, a pandemic hits the country. Coronavirus, or the “Chinese Flu” as President Trump likes to call it. It was either developed in a lab in Wuhan or it comes from eating infected bats or monkeys.
This sent the country into a tailspin with estimates of one million deaths and a giant recession. People were quarantined to their homes and if you went out, you had to wear a mask and practice “social distancing.” Stores were shut down except for essential services like liquor stores, gun shops and Walmart. People who did venture outside were accused of being murderers.
Finally, a story came along that surpassed the Corona Frenzy. George Floyd, a long-time criminal, who had done five years in prison for armed robbery, was arrested by police in Minneapolis for trying to pass a counterfeit 20-dollar bill. While he was in custody a tape showed a cop with his knee on George’s neck for eight minutes. It was a shocking video. The cop was fired and charged with second-degree murder. Which brings up the question: how does an armed robber get a job as a security guard?
Since then the other three cops involved have also been charged with murder. The problem is — as we’ve seen in the past — snippets of video don’t really show the whole story. The video of the Rodney King beating was shocking, but not so much so when the opening clips were shown and it was evident that nothing was going to stop King.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has admitted that the charges may change once the cops get “high-priced lawyers” involved.
You’ll remember that Freddie Gray’s family in Baltimore received a huge sum of money before any of the cops held responsible for his death ever went on trial. The cops were found innocent in every single case.
Right away the Floyd case was characterized as a “racist assault” by a white cop on a black man. I haven’t seen or heard anything to indicate that the cop had racist intentions, and statistically, black men are far more often killed by other blacks or black cops. But, no matter. That doesn’t make for as good a story.
So, from there we went to New York where protests broke out, and looters broke into expensive stores, destroying them. The cops, under orders from Mayor Bill de Blasio, were told to lay off, and they did. Interestingly, I know a lot of high-end stores were burglarized, but I never heard of a Dollar Tree being targeted. Three hundred cops were injured during the melee.
The protests soon spread to other cities with the White House under direct attack in Washington, D.C. This was all done in the name of “past inequities.” Black Lives Matter is one of the groups behind these shenanigans and although they claim to be peaceful, every time they show up, cops die. Maybe it’s just a strange coincidence.
They led a peaceful protest here in Easton in which one woman chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” This is the slogan made famous in Ferguson, Missouri, when a 300-pound thug tried to attack a policeman. He never said it. No one ever heard him say it. It was just made up. Never mind.
Meanwhile, in Minnesota, Los Angeles, and New York, the politicians are considering “de-funding” the police departments and putting the money into social services. So, the next time you need a cop in the middle of the night, call Social Services, and set up an appointment.
The nice thing about today’s media is that those sorts of things never have to be “walked back.”

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We don't need a society of vandals

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