Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Democrats Lie And Mis-lead Again.

 There was an article in our local newspaper (The Star Democrat) on October 19, 2018, called (“Time for Plan B,”). The person who wrote the article stated that Senator McConnell who is a Republican indicates that the only way to cover the $1.5 trillion deficit created by the tax cut is to cut Medicare and Social Security. That statement is far from the truth and just another false statement to help the democrat cause.
First of all, at this point, it is not certain there will be a deficit as large as some of the Democrats say. But there again one lie is as good as the next This number or the estimated amount of deficit at best is speculation and a theory put forth by the Democrat Party for election purposes. Every day, as the election grows closer we see on liberal television stations many times during the day an advertisement run by Democrat State Senator Jennifer Wexton running against Barbara Comstock for U.S. Representative in Virginia that the Republicans are cutting Social Security and Medicare. This is a misleading statement which I would like to call an out and out lie! Something the Democrats are very good at.
It is misleading statements like this and others that have been reported by the Democrats as far back as 1992 when Ross Perot was running for president as an independent. The Democrats have worn this untrue comment about Social Security out long before now. Voters have seen through this kind of trickery already so they might want to get off of it.
The Washington Post reported the following this week
On Wednesday, McConnell told a group of reporters that he did not foresee an effort to cut Medicare and other programs under Trump, who has put Medicare and Social Security largely off limits. Trump himself said again in an Associated Press interview this week that “I’m not touching Social Security.”
But Democrats are telling voters that McConnell’s remarks signal plans for an all-out assault on the retirement and health care programs that millions of older and low-income Americans rely on. After Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation process and Republicans’ attempts to go on offence over what they’ve characterized as liberal “mob rule,” Democrats jumped at the chance to redirect the conversation.  It is this kind of behaviour by the Democrats that are going to assure them that they are going to come up very short on Nov. 6. I believe the public has had more than enough of this distorted reporting by both the Democrat politicians and the mainstream media. Both are truly a threat to our country and as far as I am concerned are evil and news is no news at all when it is lies. I fully expect that the Republicans will hold on to their lead in the House and pick up between 6 to 8 seats in the Senate. If the Democrats thought the 2016 election results were a shock, they are very apt to be extremely shocked on the morning of Nov. 7.

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