Monday, May 14, 2018

Less And Less Middle Ground

Nothing troubles me more than the sheer volume of politicians and municipal administrators who find themselves, by virtue of their party affiliation, forced to support the minority faction of sanctuary cities. There’s less and less middle ground for both Democrats and Republicans in today’s political world.
Adding insult to injury, our youth are being educated and indoctrinated by far left educators. Young people deserve to be taught both sides of current social issues and allowed to decide for themselves. Instead, they are exposed to little or no history, civics or Constitutional law and theory. All of this, over the last 50 years, has produced a faction of the electorate, and the electorate to be, that is seriously challenged when confronted with making informed, educated decisions. In many cases, this faction’s opposition to any opinion contrary to their own results in filibuster, with loud, vulgar and disruptive protests designed to drown out the opposite viewpoint. This lack of understanding of the meaning of the First Amendment, freedom of speech, is one of the most dangerous issues confronting modern U.S. culture. This filibuster also takes the form of the liberal news media. This helps grow the politically challenged faction to even greater size. This is concerning. As James Madison wrote in The Federalist 10, a “Majority Faction” is the greatest single threat to a Republic.
Despite all of this, the economy is strong, the stock market stable, unemployment is low and more companies gave bonuses last year than in the prior ten years. The president’s strong stance on North Korea has brought them to the negotiations table. Illegal immigration is at an all-time low since statistics have been gathered. The steel and aluminium tariffs are bringing all players to the table, which will result in better trade deals for the U.S.
Yet the faction still grows, caring less about facts or realities than about a singular fixation upon removing the president from office. It took time, money and the Supreme Court to overturn the erroneous decisions of the Ninth Circuit Court. What a breach of trust with the American taxpayer. These partisan, leftist judges have an obligation to be apolitical and uphold the Constitution. They blatantly refused. The FBI & DOJ are guilty of the same.
We may not be fighting in the streets yet but I fear we will be. We fought one civil war where a majority faction divided the country. Once again, our nation is being put to the test. In the second line of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, he states, “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.” That is the question that every Republic must answer. This new civil war will be about an extreme leftist government dismantling our Bill of Rights one piece at a time. We are conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. We must re-dedicate ourselves to the education of our youth in the fundamentals of our nation’s history and government or face a setback of enormous proportion.
This article was in the Star Democrat Newspaper. The author is  Craig Willis and he pretty much has hit the nail on the head.

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