Monday, February 5, 2018

The Enemy Within

I am 72 years old and I have seen a lot of presidents come and go. The problem I am having is I have never have seen so much hate as the left and the media have for Donald Trump. You never hear anything positive only negative reports about Trump.  The news media, the Democrats, liberals, communist, and the likes hate Trump so much they would rather see this country go to hell in a hand basket than to see our country survive. Then there are people like John McCain and a few other Republicans that are against Trump.
Much is happening within our government by people who Obama put in place which has damaging long term affects. Remember the czars? None of these people were vetted and most of them are far left thinkers, communist, socialists along with a few racists thrown in. Most, if not all, of these czars are still in the government, entrenched in a way that they will not be found and always at work to bring this government down. They have seized control over major aspects of the government policy and programs bringing along with them their ideas of destroying us from within. When one looks at the background of these czars they find that they have been part of scandals, thefts, kickbacks, offensive statements, conflict of interests and radical left political policies. They tend to operate in the shadows, making policy while answering to no one. Elizabeth Warren (the make believe indain) and Van Jones (who made many racial remarks) are two of these people. There are plenty more.
Last week we heard President Trump make a very important speech at the Summit and he pointed out many issues of concern for this nation and the world dealing with the economy, illegal immigration. He is a very bright individual with a good sense for business, because he is a business man, which most of the politicians in the swamp are not.  They are swamp rats that hate the American way and they hate Trump. Am I the only one who can see the politicians in Washington are only there to satisfy their own bank accounts? Nancy Pelosi is one of the wealthiest women in D.C. and also her home state of California. The only national news cast that I watch in the morning is Fox because they are suppose to be fair and balanced. Most of the time they are, but all the rest of news reporting on different stations are just 100% bias against Trump, the Republicans, conservatives, and Christians. Their reporting has mostly no truth to it and it is wrapped up in a blanket of lies.

We have seen politics played out on the national football stage when, instead of standing for our national anthem and respecting our flag, men who earn millions because of the freedom it represents, will not stand takes rather the knee. The football league finds nothing wrong with that, but when a patriot group wants to pay for and run an ad saying, “Please Stand for the National Anthem,” they are told that it is a political statement and the ad would not be allowed. The media doesn’t seem to care when an illegal alien murders someone, but let a police officer shoot someone in the line of duty and it is standing room only for reporters.
I will never figure out how a person can come to this country illegally and burn thr American flag and then proudly wave the flag of another country, but, consider it punishment to be sent back there.” Please tell me does that make sense?  We need to secure our borders, lower taxes for everyone, create new jobs, and bring back the businesses lost during the Clinton, Bush and Obama eras. If you have noticed that is what Trump is doing. If you watched the State of the Union on Tuesday night I hope that you took notice of attitudes across the faces of the Democrats, especially Nancy Pelosi as she chewed gum or tried to get popcorn out from between her teeth, not sure which. I was also surprised by the Black Caucus sitting behind her with folded arms and not showing any excitement about the fact that the black unemployment rate had dropped tremendously over the past year. This should be a great thing and yet they looked like they were not happy about blacks getting jobs, no applause.
Already the media is trying to put the speech and Trump through the shredder, finding nothing good to say. We do not have to worry about North Korea, Iran, ICIS, or any other country destroying this country. All we have to do is sit back and let the Democrats and the fake news media do it. Yes they are the modern Trojan horse.

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