Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So You Want Change


I do not know why so many Americans are so mad at Obama. Even though he has lied about a lot of other things, he has done exactly what he said he was going to do when he campaigned for the presidency. He said , in so many words, that he was going to tear this county apart and that is exactly what he is doing, although he was slick enough to call it change. He is keeping his promise. Before he leaves office, if he is not made king first, we will most likely be living in a communist country. We are heading that way now at a very fast pace. The sad part about it the people are still following the piper.

I do not think the "health care" bill is a bill to help Americans. I believe it was done to collapse our entire country. This health care bill kills jobs, it kills opportunity, it kills promises that taxes will not rise, and we all know it will be a killer to the unborn. Sadly, the only bipartisan aspect of the health care bill was the opposition to the legislation. Dozens of brave Democrats, stood up and voted against Obama and Pelosi’s wishes. They were the ones that could not be bought off.

Sunday’s unprecedented action in the House, handed one-sixth of our nation’s economy over to the federal government. As I said many times before this country is being torn apart by Obama. The passing of this health care bill has given him the foot hold that he needs to take more of our country apart. The sad thing is employers will be laying scores of people off because they will not be able to pay for the health care. That will be great for an economy that is already struggling. He knows exactly what he is doing. We needed improvements in the health care system, but we did not need government takeover of it. Obama saw that and seized the chance. If this health care plan that was just passed is good enough for you and me, why is it not good enough for the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barrack Obama? They have been asked that question many times and there is still no answer from them.

The next big thing that will be on his list will be to grant all the illegal’s amnesty. It is on the horizon. Obama will need to get this bill passed to guarantee the votes from these soon to be American voters, when he comes up for re-election, because he sure has lost many a vote because of this health care. That is if we have anymore elections. This will be another added burden on the working person and another part of this country gone. Soon there will be no more middle class. We will all be living on one big plantation working for the government in the new Obama world. We will all load sixteen tons and what will we get? Another day older and deeper in debt. We will owe our souls to the government, Obama’s government with leaders like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. We are in for a very rough time.

We can then look for him going all out, full force on gun control. He will go about to dis-arm all law abiding citizens. When this is done we will no longer be able to call ourselves free. Our country as we once knew it is just about gone and by the time Obama is done it will be gone. We will all get the change, and then some, of what he promised. If you think that I’m off base with what I’m saying then you really need to take a good look at Obama.

Everybody in his enter circle is a devout socialist or communist. His cabinet is mostly socialist, his new spiritual advisor is a devote socialist who is even worse than Jeremiah Wright. He has installed over forty czars that you have no say over and they make policy that you will have to live by. We now have a president and a overboard liberal congress that does not care what the American people want. We are heading for a country that the people will have to depend on the government for everything.

Saturday, March 13, 2010



When we have a leader that has been elected by the people to do the will of the people and Does not do it, but rather does what he wants then you have a potential Tyrant on your hands. He has shown that his will is to be an absolute ruler unrestrained by the law of the land or constitution. He already does not care what the majority of the people want. This is what we have in our current president. A narcissist, a want to be king, and many other things that are not printable. President Obama's attempts to ram health- care reform through an increasingly reluctant Congress are no longer just attempts. They are starting to look like forceful strong arm tactics of a tyrant that does not care what the people want even though the majority of the people do not want this "Obamacare Bill"

It makes no difference about former Rep. Eric Massa's accusations of locker-room altercation and conspiracies to drive him from office, there is no doubt that the Obama administration and its congressional allies are willing to use every trick in the book to get this bill passed. Lets face the facts when all is said and done it is a 50 - 50 chance that Massa was telling the truth about some {not All} of the issues. Ninety per Cent of politicians lie. So what is the truth? If the truth be really known we just do not know all the strong arm tactics that are being used to force some congressmen to vote for this Health Care Bill. Nor was Obama willing to let a little thing like election laws stand in the way. They rewrote Massachusetts law to allow for an appointed senator to hold office for several months, hoping to get the bill through before the special election that Scott Brown ultimately won. The Obama People's plans were spoiled, they even considered holding up Brown's seating to let the appointed senator continue to vote on health care -- until public outrage forced them to back down. And, of course, there has been an unprecedented willingness to ignore congressional rules -- from the failure to appoint a "conference committee" to negotiate differences between the House and Senate bills, to their current plans to use the reconciliation process to bypass a Republican filibuster. All this is a deliberate, blatant, and barefaced attack on our freedoms.

We do know this Obama and his socialist friends have already bought votes with pork and special deals, such as "The Louisiana purchase" ($300 million to bolster that state's Medicaid program, which swayed Sen. Mary Landrieu); "The "Cornhusker Kickback" ($100 million to Medicaid there, sweetening the pot for Sen. Ben Nelson), and Florida's "Gator Aid" (a Medicare deal potentially worth $5 billion, a hefty price for Sen. Bill Nelson's vote). Plus the millions for Connecticut hospitals, Montana asbestos abatement and so on. We will never know what other sweeteners were uses to help pass this very unpopular Bill. Anytime all this underhanded dealing goes on behind closed doors, the American people need look out. Do you remember when Our narcissist president said there would be no pork doing his administration and there would also be nothing done behind closed doors. Well, that all turns out to be a laugh or should I say a lie.

We can look for and expect the (Obama, Pelosi, Reid) tactics to get even dirtier now.

Those who support Obama can expect favors. No sooner had Rep Jim Matheson (D-Utah) suggested that he might be willing to switch his vote and support the latest version of Obama Care than his brother was nominated for a federal judgeship. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) is also on the undecided list. And, purely by coincidence no doubt, the Justice Department just announced that it is dropping an FBI investigation that has been swirling about the congressman. Gosh, if only Charlie Rangel were one of the undecided. Wow! {And when we get behind closed doors}

Those who oppose Obama can expect the political equivalent of being run over by a tank. Let me just give you a few examples that you may have not known about. Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln, whose reelection is border line, is getting a primary challenger with some backing from the national Democratic machine. But some of it is much nastier. Massa's story may have some credibility issues, but other opponents of the bill are also starting to feel the heat. For instance, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), whose opposition to abortion funding has become one of the bill's biggest hurdles, is now seeing attacks on his ethics. (HUMM) Presidents, down through the history of this country, have always twisted arms and made deals. But the problem is when two-thirds, or more, of the voters are opposed to the plans being made, you congressmen have no choice but to play hardball.

I find it hard for anyone with any kind of education not to be able to see what Obama and his socialist crowd really are. Obama wants to tear down the best economic engine in history (read capitalist engine) and replace it with a government run push down economic vehicle. Private takers (that is small business owners) are to be crushed as they tear at the heart of Obama's policies. The independent thought is to be condemned and only the "good" of the many are to be considered (so long as that good does not rub off or flow over to those who plan to govern as they will deserve more and better selections). No, there is no jealousy over what Obama and his brood are selling. The conservative majority (that would be for all you Democracy lovers out there) and the current law of the land (that is for all the Republic readers out there) are directly opposed to his current goals. I do not need the government doing my thinking for me. I do not hold out my hand for entitlements to feed my family. I do not expect government to come to my rescue every time my little boat gets rocked in life's heavy seas. But the problem is there are always too many people within the confines of our boarders who do not share this opinion. They feel the government owes them something (everything) and that Obama will provide it. What was that saying that was going around just after the election? (We have BARRACK Obama)

All we see now is a Health Care Bill being forced on us, but if this bill gets through congress and passes (behind closed doors) then it will be the start of things to come. What right will we give up next? What will the Obama crowd do next. At the rate we are going we will not be able to have guns, we will be told if we can move from one state to another, how much money we can have in a bank and what bank to put it in. You think what I just said is crazy, well just look at what this man and his liberal congress and czars have done in just one year. You would have said that was crazy to last year.

We live in a free country where freedom and personal ownership are the rights of every American and that is the key that has made this country so great and the key to our freedom. Why does Obama think that it is his "right" to force the American people to except this Health Care Bill? The end game of this issue will just be one more entitlement program. When me and the other people like me leave this old world for a better place, then who is going to provide all the entitlements then?

For all you {want to be socialist}, who will read this let me leave you with this thought. At least the Communist Chinese know how to make money!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Poor Folks


The poor folk, The working people, as I call them, the retired and elderly, here on the Eastern Shore, live and try to work and to get by. This is becoming harder everyday. We're not sitting around some conference table, and more or less calling each other names and throwing sticks. It is like our leaders are little kids playing a game. "Sticks and Stones may break my bones." No one turns a spot light on the common folk to ask what we would like or how we would handle this change that is taking place in our country and on our beloved Eastern Shore. People are trying to hold on to their jobs, keep their homes, make the car payments and educate our children. They are struggling to survive. What are the leaders of our country doing to help us? It is plain to see "NOT MUCH" A year into the presidency of Obama and the democrats having control of congress the only thing that is coming out of Obama's mouth is: "It is Bush's fault" The "Poor Folks down on the "Shore" and across this country want to know when it is going to be your fault Mr. President.

To put it bluntly, some of the political stunts, starting with the president serving as moderator between the republicans and the democrats , left us (the people) feeling as though this was more of a staged show and a lecture than any discussion of importance. Obama seems more concerned about campaigning than being president. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have a agenda that they are going to do their best to carry out even though most Americans do not like or want what they are doing.

The voters are tired and just plain wore out. We are weary of a do nothing congress that month after month keeps doing the same thing. NOTHING! We're tired and we are weary of the do-nothing congress. We're tired of shows. What do we have movie stars or do we have people that were elected to hear the voice of the people.

The working class families are bearing the burden of the drawn out debate on health care reform, the war on terror, the recession, paying for illegals. We are the ones facing year after year of health care cost rising, we are the ones who are bearing the burdens of this nation, but yet our voice, (our cry) is not heard by our leaders. We want better health care but not run by the government. That would be worse than we have now. They do what they want. We have a president, that some times I wonder whose side he is on. It is about time that Obama and his cronies listen to the" poor folk"

We don't need a society of vandals

When demonstrations triggered by the death of George Floyd spread to Philadelphia, vandals defaced a statue outside City Hall of an old whit...