Monday, August 17, 2009


We have read several articles of how good the Government health care system would be for all Americans. I have read several articles from newspapers and TV news programs, some local by the way, with them giving their spin on how good this government run health care program would be. The problem is they are not giving you all the facts. If you read the whole proposed package then you will be shocked as I was. There is no way that this could possibly be in the best plan for the American people as the news reports. Please get a copy of this Proposed government health insurance and decide for yourself if this is what the country needs. I have listed below some of the things that really bother me and there is much more. Government does not need to have control over your personal needs. This is control pure and simple. I clearly get from what I read that the federal government will be in complete control of your health care. Don't listen to what you hear read it for yourself.

PG 29, Lines 4-16:
Directly rations health care for the elderly.

PG 30, Sec 123: Establishes a government committee that decides what treatments/benefits you get.

PG 42: The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you.

PG 50, Section 152:
Extends benefits and coverage to illegal immigrants.

PG 58: The creation of a national ID health card and a comprehensive federal database containing streaming data on every American's personal financial records.

PG 59:
The federal government accesses your bank accounts for mandatory funds transfers.

PG 29, Lines 4-16:
Directly rations health care for the elderly.

PG 30, Sec 123: Establishes a government committee that decides what treatments/benefits you get.

PG 42: The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you.

PG 50, Section 152:
Extends benefits and coverage to illegal immigrants.

PG 58: The creation of a national ID health card and a comprehensive federal database containing streaming data on every American's personal financial records.

PG 59:
The federal government accesses your bank accounts for mandatory funds transfers.

PG 65, Sec 164: Creates special, federally-subsidized coverage for Unions and "Community Organizing" groups.

PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Dictates the benefits packages of all private health insurance plans.

PG 85, Line 7:
Limits what private insurers can offer (rationed care)....

Pg 95, Lines 8-18: The mandatory use of ACORN and Americorps for signing up Americans to government insurance.

PG 85, Line 7:
Imposes more limits on coverage (rationing).

PG 102, Lines 12-18: Mandates Medicare for all who fit criteria (removes all choice).

PG 124, Lines 24-25:
Bans companies from suing the federal government, bans the entire judicial system from hearing any cases on the legitimacy of this blatantly unconstitutional socialist health care takeover (no judicial review allowed whatsoever).

PG 127, Lines 1-16: Instructs doctors/AMA on what salaries they are allowed to make.

PG 145, Line 15-17: Requires all employers to enroll all new employees in the government system (no choice whatsoever).

PG 126, Lines 22-25: Requires employers to independently provide insurance for part-time workers, whether they can afford it or not (no choice).

PG 149, Lines 16-24: Imposes an 8% payroll tax penalty for any employer (making over $400k) who fails to force his employees onto government insurance....

PG 167, Lines 18-23:
Imposes 2.5% income tax penalty on any privately-insured individual who fails to get "adequate" private insurance.

PG 170, Lines 1-3: Stipulates that all non-resident aliens pay nothing (we foot the bill).

PG 195: Federal officers will have full access to every citizen's most private records....

Pg 241, Line 6-8: Mandates that all doctors be paid the same, regardless of specialty.

PG 253, Line 10-18: Imposes federally-determined price tag for the worth of every doctor's time and services.

PG 265, Sec 1131: Imposes controls on productivity for private health care companies....

PG 272, Sec. 1145: Cancer treatment rationing.

PG 280, Sec 1151: Imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for "preventable" visits.

PG 298, Lines 9-11: Imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for readmissions after initial treatment (fix it on the first try or suffer the consequences)....

PG 321, Line 2-13: Pretends to give hospitals the choice to go fully-federal, but only if local "community" groups (ACORN) approve.

PG 335, Line 16-25, Pg 336-339: Imposes more rationing of services.

PG 341, Lines 3-9: Creates the federal power to arbitrarily disqualify HMOs, forcing people onto government care at random.

PG 354, Sec 1177 - Rationing of care for special needs people.

PG 379, Sec 1191:
Creates new Tele health bureaucracy (nanny state health care by phone).

PG 425, Lines 4-12: Creates mandatory end of life consultation.

PG 425, Lines 17-19:
Mandatory government instruction and consultation on living wills, durable power of attorney, etc.

PG 429, Lines 10-12: Empowers the federal government to order end-of-life plans through something called, "advanced care consultation."...

PG 430, Lines 11-15:
Puts the federal government in complete control of what care you receive at the end of your life

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

OBAMA – Unwarranted Trust

We can now look back at several clues that should have warned us that the person we trusted to be our president did not warrant our trust. We are talking about someone at the top of the ladder. Yes we are talking about Obama. A person who holds the highest office in the land. The President of the United States, the promise for ruin of this country is almost unrestricted with him in office. There are no check and balances.

Many people are truly troubled and concerned, as I am, about what this administration's irresponsible and uncontrolled spending is doing and will do to the economy in our time and to our children and grandchildren, to whom a unbelievable national debt will be passed on. But if the worst that Barack Obama does is ruin the economy, I will breathe a sigh of relief. Obama has bailed out and took over all most every large company and bank in this country, everybody except the working man. Where is his bail out.

He is heading this country toward disaster on many fronts, including a nuclear Iran, which has every prospect of being an irretrievable disaster of almost unimaginable magnitude. We cannot put that genie back in the bottle and neither can generations yet unborn. They may yet curse us all for leaving them hostages to that nuclear terror. I hope that Israel can spare us that fate by taking out the Iranian nuclear facilities, instead of relying on Obama's capacity to talk Iran out of going nuclear.

President Obama's injecting himself into a local police issue in Massachusetts is just a small sign of a very big danger that is looming. You might say that I'm crazy but what is a president doing interfering with local issues, and the statement that he made: "The Cambridge Police are stupid". You can see by this one incident that Obama wants to control everything. Control is the name of the game with him. He would even have control over the local police departments if he could.

The wish of many Americans for a "post-racial" society is well-founded, though the belief that Barack Obama would move in that direction was somewhat ill-advised, If you think about the history of his actions and associations, past and present. He, himself, is playing the race card. This is a president on a task to restructure American culture in every aspect, by whatever means are necessary and available. He wants to do away with capitalism and move to socialism. That requires taking all kinds of decisions out of the hands of ordinary Americans and transferring them to the Washington privileged { cream of the crop } and in the end the number one elite, Barack Obama himself.

Like so many before him who have ruined countries around the world, Obama has a to a great extent a larger-than-life idea of his own capabilities and the capabilities of what can be accomplished by rhetoric or even by political power. Often this has been accompanied by an lack of knowledge and just plain ignorance of history, including the history of how many people before him have tried similar things with devastating and catastrophic results. He is about to destroy our country.

During a recent TV interview, when President Obama was asked about the prospects of victory in Afghanistan, he replied that it would not be victory like in World War II, with "Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur." That is not what happened at all. Any one that knows history knows it was not Emperor Hirohito who surrendered on the battleship Missouri. American troops were already occupying Japan before Hirohito met General Douglas MacArthur for the first time. This is not the first betrayal of ignorance by Obama, nor the first time it was overlooked by the media. Moreover, ignorance and lack of knowledge by itself is not nearly as bad as charging full steam ahead, pretending to know. Barack Obama is doing that on a lot of issues, not just history or a local police incident in Massachusetts.

While the mainstream media in America will never take him to task on this, these repeated demonstrations of his amateurism and immaturity will not go unnoticed by this country's enemies around the world. And it is the American people who will pay the price to stand up and call it like it is.. It is time for all Americans to wake up and smell the coffee.

Many do not share Obama's vision or Value system for America. Most Americans who are smart will never stand behind a man like him. A lot of the people who voted for him were "sucker punched" by the great orator and his teleprompter .

We don't need a society of vandals

When demonstrations triggered by the death of George Floyd spread to Philadelphia, vandals defaced a statue outside City Hall of an old whit...